Privacy policy

Privacy Policy for KVIST SOLUTIONS AS

Dear customer and visitor to our website. It is important to us that you can trust that all your personal information is safe with us. KVIST SOLUTIONS AS has spent a lot of time on your security and complies with current legislation in accordance with the Privacy Act / GDPR at all times. We have accurately and conscientiously assessed all processing of personal data we have about you.

All the personal data we have about you is the data you have provided to us yourself. It may also be information we have received from public organisations in order to provide you with the services you are entitled to. We do not use any information other than what we need to carry out our work. We do not share your personal data with anyone other than our suppliers, who need it to fulfil our obligations to you, or public authorities if they ask us to do so. In such cases, the information is secured by a Data Processing Agreement. We do not retain your personal data longer than necessary.

This is the data we may collect: the purposes, legal basis, what data and duration.

Formål Rettslig grunnlag Hvilke data Slettes etter
Analysering Art. 6.1.b IP adresser  1 år
Analysering Art. 6.1.b Navn, E-post, Film/bilder, Telefonnummer 2 år
Autentisering Art. 6.1.b Navn, E-post, IP adresser  6 måneder
Fildeling Art. 6.1.b Navn, E-post, Film/bilder, Telefonnummer 3 år
Fildeling Art. 6.1.b Navn, E-post, IP adresser 6 måneder
Føre regnskap Art. 6.1.c, Art. 6.1.d

Navn, E-post, Telefonnummer, Adresse, Fødselsdato,
Fødselsnummer (11 siffer), Bankkontonummer, Pårørendeinformasjon,

10 år
Salg og kunderegister Art. 6.1.b Navn, E-post, Telefonnummer 3 år
Send nyhetsbrev til eksisterende kunder Art. 6.1.f Navn, E-post 1 år
Styrearbeid Art. 6.1.c Navn, E-post, Telefonnummer   10 år
Ta betalt  Art. 6.1.b E-post, Navn  5 år
Taushetserklæringer  Art. 6.1.f  Navn  5 år


 Art. 6.1.b Navn, Linkedin profil,
E-post, Film/bilder
 6 måneder

We have secured all your personal data with data processing agreements where necessary. Transfers to the USA are secured with the Data Privacy Framework. Where this is not available or the transfer of data to third countries where this is necessary to provide our service to you, this is secured with an SCC.

Your rights

As our customer, you have rights regarding your personal data and how we use it. The Data Protection Act gives you the following rights:

If we have collected your personal data with your consent, you can withdraw it. In that case, please contact

  • Right to see your personal data.
  • Right to rectification. If something is wrong, we will of course correct it.
  • Right to be deleted. Here we also have our obligations according to the Accounting Act, so we cannot delete all information until these obligations are fulfilled.
  • Right to restriction. Do you think we've stored too much? Let us know!
  • Right to data portability. Do you want to move your personal data? We've got you covered!
  • Right to object. Do you disagree with how we use your personal data? Let us know!
  • Right to complain. You also have the right to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. You can find the link here: you have any questions about anything to do with your personal data, please contact us:

How we use cookies

When you visit our website, cookies are stored on your device. Some cookies you consent to by allowing cookies in your browser, while others you must actively consent to. You can adjust which cookies are used at any time through our control panel or through settings in your browser. We use cookies to keep you logged in (sessions) and to remember that you refuse to be tracked (opt-out cookie).

We do not use any third-party cookies.