How to Succeed with BREEAM In-Use: How to Interpret HEA03 for Workplace Light Measurements

Environmental certifications, such as BREEAM In-Use, are an important method for measuring and improving the sustainability of existing buildings. For many, a BREEAM In-Use certification may seem scary and complex, as there are many green qualities that need to be properly documented. Together with skilled advisors, we have identified the most demanding topics in BREEAM In-Use, and created descriptions and progress methods for achieving the topics. These can be found under “interpretation help” in our platform Kvist, so you can get guidance while completing the certification.

In this article, we will go into one of the commonly misinterpreted topics, HEA03, Health and Wellness — Interior and Exterior Lighting. Misinterpreting topics in a BREEAM certification can be expensive and time consuming, and in the worst case, result in you not being able to get the point across. Therefore, it is especially important to understand what needs to be documented in the topic before deciding whether to take the point or not. Our interpretation assistance will help to make it easy and clear to understand, interpret and resolve the requirements as well as to provide the correct documentation. The rest of the interpretation help you will find in our platform, you can book a demo HERE.

Let's dive into what HEA 03 really entails and how you can be successful with this part of the BREEAM certification.

Misconceptions about HEA 03 (Health and Wellness - Interior and Exterior Lighting)

A common mistake is to assume that available light levels in the building's system management (SD facilities) satisfy the requirements of HEA 03, which is not the case. To obtain points under this topic, actual light measurements are required that confirm that the lighting of the workplaces is in line with what has been projected.

In the BREEAM In-Use manual there is a comprehensive method on how the light measurements should be carried out. In addition, there are requirements for an expert to carry out the measurements, and requirements for the equipment used for the measurements.

We have made a list of 9 steps that will help you correctly carry out light measurements of HEA03.

Proper procedure for light measurements

Follow these steps to ensure that your light measurements are being carried out correctly:

1. Dark conditions

Light measurements should be carried out in the dark, without the ingress of daylight, in order to avoid interference with the measurements.

2. Documentation of projected lighting

Before starting the light measurements, obtain documentation showing the number of lux projected per workplace. The requirement lasts from 300-500 lux. If light calculations are available from before, these must be used as a basis for the measurements.

3. Preheating of light

In LED lighting, leave the lights on for at least 20 minutes before starting the light measurement. This is not necessary for conventional lighting.

4. Equipment documentation and calibration

Record the equipment used for the measurements and include documentation that the equipment has been recently calibrated.

5. Location and number of measurement points

Both detailed tests and spot tests will be carried out in both workplaces and meeting rooms. See comment in the manual related to this point.

6. Standard height for measurements

If possible, the desk should be set to a height of 0.8m which is considered the standard seating height.

7. Clean the workplace

Remove all objects from the office space to avoid shadow effects during measurements.

8. Adaptation of measurements per building

The number of measurement points varies based on the characteristics of the building. At least a couple of detail measurements and 3-4 spot samples per floor are common.

9. Reporting

Create a report based on the measurements showing the percentage of areas that meet the requirements for lux measurements.

Use of independent third-party measurement

Due to the requirements for expertise and equipment, it is recommended to use an independent third party for the light measurements. This is particularly relevant for older buildings, where such a review may reveal discrepancies between projected and actual lighting. This naturally entails an additional cost to the project, and a consideration should be made as to whether this is a point that needs to be taken.

Maintenance of points at recertification

To maintain the points at recertification, the light measurements must be done at least every five years. For buildings under five years old, previous measurements can be used if the lighting system has not changed since the last measurement.


To succeed with HEA 03 in BREEAM In-Use, it is essential to have a thorough understanding and following of the proper procedures for light measurements. By avoiding common misunderstandings and following these steps, you can ensure that your building meets the requirements of the BREEAM certification. Lighting plays a crucial role in a building's environmental performance and working environment, so it pays to invest time and resources in accurate and reliable light measurements.

The article is intended as indicative information only. Always refer to the current manual to ensure correct information. This article is written based on experiences from BREEAM In-Use V.6.0. and is intended to provide guidance to more easily document compliance with the criteria of the subject.

Change Log:

26.03.24 - Fixed in error. Standard seating height should be 0.8m and not 1.2m

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