Summer greetings from Kvist Q2-23

☀️ Summer letter from Kvist

Happy summer! We are halfway into 2023, and the last quarter has been very eventful. Here are some excerpts of what has happened both internally, with the product and externally over the past few months!

Product Updates:

  • The step norm is now available in the pre-analysis!
  • We have launched new pre-analysis module with taxonomy functionality
  • We are gradually migrating to the next version of our platform, with significant improvements in documentation management and the audit module.
  • We are working on bringing new manuals into init; BREEAM SE v.6.0, BREEAM Infrastructure and BREEAM In-Use (coming before the New Year)

🎂 Kvist celebrates 3 years!

It is said that time flies when one is having fun, and in June we marked a big milestone! Kvist's 3-year anniversary! 🍾

To mark the anniversary we went down to the south for 3 days of celebration. There was relaxation, shrimps, and many competitions. Team crab won! ☀️🏊🎯

We look forward to many more years of Kvist, and to celebrating it well along the way! 🥂💚

Award nominations 🏆

It's always fun to get recognized for the work we put into making environmental certification super easy. In recent months, we have been nominated for two awards; the SIVA Award and the Construction Industry Innovation Award.

This year's theme for the SIVA award was “New Forces - In Green Industrial Value Chains”. The purpose of the award is to highlight companies that have built or reinforced existing value chains by contributing to green transformation through “new powers”. Kvist was one of 5 nominees, read more about the nomination HERE.

The Construction Industry Innovation Award is awarded to a company that has excelled in the field of innovation. and contributes to a more sustainable and competitive construction industry. We will present our solution to a jury in September, and then at the Construction Industry Innovation Conference on the 20th. October before the winner is named. Read more HERE.

Say hello to Haldis and Fredrik!

Over Easter we got two new employees, Haldis and Fredrik! They started in April and are very good additions to the team.

Haldis is our Sustainability Lead and has previously worked as a consulting engineer at WSP Norway. Haldis is Kvist's own Breeam expert and ensures that we are always up to date with the latest industry insights. She is involved in everything from product development to sales.

Fredrik is our DevOps manager and has previously worked as an IT consultant in Alv. At Kvist, he is the captain of our production shuttle and ensures that we have fast, safe and frequent launches into production, and that we follow best practices in DevOps!

👀 We are looking for a Commercial Manager, do you know any good candidates? Vouch for them through this page HERE. 🚀 We are starting to plan a launch event for our BIU module. More information is coming, stay tuned! 🕺 With all the cool things that have happened so far in 2023, we can't help but look forward to a terribly exciting autumn with many new product updates, we will keep you updated on the way!


📰 Kvist in media 📰

Estate Nyheter - Les om samarbeidet vårt med Ferd

Estate Nyheter - Fra "Proptech til frokost"

Pressemelding - Kvist er nominert til Siva-prisen

DOGA - Init vant DOGA-merket

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